How to be Successful

While watching various Ted Talks videos online the other day I stumbled upon a group of videos that I think really define what makes a company successful and sets them apart from the competition. After viewing these videos, in my opinion, there are three important components to any successful business, especially from a public relations standpoint. First, is storytelling, which is sort of the “all encompassing” aspect that every company must incorporate to gain and maintain brand loyalty and brand recognition. Second is fear, instead of running from our fears we should really dissect our fears and understand why we are having them and what they mean. Lastly, and very importantly, why the company does what they do.


A company in Grand Rapids that I follow puts great emphasis on incorporating storytelling into what they do. They don’t consider themselves employees, they call themselves storytellers. This is a very important distinction in my opinion. According to Andrew Stanton, in his Ted Talk video, “The clues to a great story,” he describes the importance of effectively telling a story. Stanton states, “ The storyteller has to make the audience care.” So I got to thinking about the company in Grand Rapids and how this one rule can apply to a company such as that. The success of any brand, from a public relations standpoint, is making the consumer care. Impressing them in such a way that persuades them to choose our company versus the competition. We do this through storytelling. It is not just single, intermittent, messages, events, or campaigns. It is through a continuous story of who we are and why you should support us. If you cannot affectively tell a story to the consumer, you cannot distinguish yourself from the competition and therefor you will ultimately lose their business. Along with this idea, it is not smart to tell one single story. As stated above, one single story can and will often define a company, which can be a wonderful thing or, in most cases, something that will ultimately kill your business. The trick to being successful storytellers is to make sure you have a consistent message among different, yet connected stories. Sounds easy right?


This can cause a lot of fear among companies, especially those who handle public relations, marketing, advertising, etc. What messages should we post? Is this too edgy? Will this upset too many people? In 2012, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz had a tough decision to make and I can only imagine the fear he and his co-workers felt during this decision. One thing that Starbucks prides itself on is supporting diversity in all forms. So it was no surprise when it came out that Starbucks, as a company, supported same-sex marriage and supported the Washington state bill to legalize same-sex marriage. This of course ruffled some feathers and caused an investor to have a few words with Schultz. According to CNN Money, the “investor complained that the company’s support was eroding its bottom line.” The investor was not wrong that some people would stop supporting the company, and in March of that same year the National Organization for Marriage instituted a “Dump Starbucks” boycott, which is said to have included some tens of thousands of people. Those numbers alone have to cause some sort of fear to arise in anyone. From a business angle, this is not the type of thing you want to see happen to your company. Despite this, Schultz stated, “If you feel respectfully that you can get a higher return than the 38% you got last year, it’s a free country. You could sell your shares at Starbucks and buy shares in other companies.” I can only imagine the thoughts going through Schultz’s mind when making the decision to openly support same-sex marriage on Starbucks’ behalf. I am sure there was fear in his mind and he probably ran through all the worst-case scenarios of what something like this could do to his company. What sets him apart is what he did with that fear. Instead of running from it, he dissected it and really took the time to understand what his fear meant for him and the company. The article goes on to state that “Starbucks stock and dividends rose 7.6% from March 2012 to March 2013. According to Karen Thompson Walker in her Ted Talk video, “What fear can teach us”, “the brands that aren’t afraid to push the envelope, embrace unique and innovative marketing techniques, and actively respond to customers’ praise and criticism are the brands that have succeeded.”


Lastly, is explaining “why” your company does what they do. I am not referring to making a profit, that is a result. What is your purpose, what is your cause, why do you do what you do? Every single company knows what they do. That part is easy and that is what most companies use as a marketing strategy. Their marketing message usually states something to the effect of “This is what we do, buy our product.” This also proves to be very unsuccessful. Some companies know how they do what they do. Very few companies know “why” they do what they do. A good example of this, described by Simon Sinek, in his Ted Talk, “Start with Why” is Apple. According to Sinek, “ If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message from them might sound like this. We make great computers, they are beautifully designed, simple to use, and user friendly. Want to buy one?” However, Apple leads with “why” and creates an inspired, captivating message that draws the consumer in and ultimately persuades the consumer to feel comfortable in purchasing their products. Sinek describes how Apple actually communicates, “Everything we do we believe in challenging the status quo, we believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers, want to buy one?” This message and the success of Apple prove that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.



Question of the Week #1

I haven’t been blogging for a while, mostly because I keep telling myself, “Betsy, you aren’t an expert on anything. Why would anyone be interested in what you have to say?” It is true, I am not an expert, I have so many questions I am searching for the answers to. So then I thought, why not turn that into a topic for my blog? I am asking all of you for your help. I will post a weekly question on my blog, as well as my thoughts and opinions on that subject. That is where you come in, please share your thoughts, experiences, and opinions with me. Let’s learn together.

This week’s question is: how do you know you are on the right path?

I know what you are thinking, “holy shit this girl is going deep right out of the gate”. I am choosing this question because it is one I have been really struggling with this past week. I am a senior in college and I can’t seem to shake the feeling of complete and utter fear that I chose the wrong path. How do we truly know we are doing what we are meant to do? How do we narrow ourselves to one thing? I have put all of my eggs in one basket and what if it doesn’t work out? I recently attended an event called the Failure Lab. It was a wonderful experience. There were no lessons, no get out of jail free cards, and no “light at the end of the tunnel” moments. It was pure, raw failure. So why do I still question whether or not I will make it through this life successfully? Clearly these people did something right to be speaking to us, so why do I doubt myself? During one of the speakers stories I felt as though I was watching myself on that stage. Everything she was describing was right in line with how I have lived my life. She talked about self-selecting herself out of numerous opportunities in life, for fear of failure. I have continuously done this. I did it with softball, my schooling, acting, music, etc. If I choose to not do something, then I can’t fail, right? I was hoping at the end that she would break the rule and tell me how exactly she overcame this pattern, but no such luck.

This got me to thinking, am I self-selecting myself out of my career choice? Am I afraid to follow through with my education because classes are safe and once I graduate the real test begins? Something drew me to public relations, something held me in this field for years, and something about this field gave me more joy than any other job or career field I have ever explored, so why this doubt and fear? Unfortunately I don’t have the answers to any of these questions. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, comments, and struggles.

Until next time.

It’s your future. Do you like what you see?

With only about six and a half weeks left in this semester, I have been contemplating my future, what will next year bring for me? Who am I? What is important to me? What do I want to get involved in?

College is all about finding independence and figuring out who you are, what is important to YOU. Recently I took a step in figuring that out. Throughout our whole life we will grow and change and push ourselves to see just who we are and how strong we are. In January I shaved my head in support of those who have or have had cancer. We raised money and awareness and the event was bigger than even I could have imagined. Not only did it help others more than I thought, but it helped me more than I even thought possible. It taught me so much about myself and how strong I am.

Just one thing can open the door to bigger and better things. Just one thing can show you who you are versus who you want to be. Do you want to follow the norm or do you want to branch out and find your own way? These are all things that we eventually have to answer in our lives. This is the time to try new things, take every opportunity, get as involved as you can, because you never know where it will take you. I encourage everyone to try that one thing that maybe you have been too afraid to try. This is our time to figure out where we want to go in life, to figure out who we want to be, and to set the course for the rest of our lives.

When I look back at these last few years, what will I see? Will I walk away with excitement or regret?

Natural Women, Simply Beautiful

I am not a fan of change. I used to think that I was a “go with the flow” type of person, but the more I get to know myself, the more I find that I do not like change. I get so comfortable where I am at and I am afraid of the unknown. This whole self journey thing has gotten off to a rough start. I have great intentions, however, it is really hard for me to follow through. I have a laundry list of things I want to do to better myself and my living situation, but find it hard to change the things I want to change. Why? Am I too lazy, too busy, too afraid? I think I am someone that needs to be thrown completely out of their comfort zone to really get the jump start I need.

One of the biggest things I am doing for this journey will take place on January 30th, 2014. I will be shaving my head. I am doing this for myself, as well as, for charity. My hair is my “safety blanket” so to speak. I, like many women, base my beauty and femininity on my hair. The truth is that none of us need our hair, or make up, or the perfect clothes, to be beautiful as a woman. Now I am not saying that these things don’t matter. I am not naive, I know we live in a material world, but the important thing is that we use those things to enhance, not hide our features and what makes us unique.

I encourage all of you beautiful women to challenge your view of beauty, to see past the hair and make up, and really look at who you are and what makes you special. Whether it be participating in No Make Up Monday, or whatever will help you to see your natural beauty, do it! Find yourself and love that person, and figure out what you need to do to love who you are. For me, I need to get over my issues and work on what I want to change. What do you need to do?

Live Shamelessly

Hello everyone. I just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself and explain my purpose for starting this blog.

Hanoch McCarty said,It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”

I am 22 years old, almost 23, and I have really been evaluating who I am, what type of person I am, and what type of person I want to be. In my self evaluation I have found that I have become comfortable in my mediocrity and I want to change that.

For the next 365 days I am going to “Live Shamelessly” and take this time to help shape myself into the person I want to be. I look at my friends, who are “yes” people. They take all the opportunities that are available to them and have grown tremendously. They are comfortable with themselves because they know who they are. Me on the other hand, I let fear get in the way of taking advantage of opportunities offered to me. I worry, “What will people think of me?” I want to put a stop to this and really explore who I am. Over the next year I will be living life in a whole new way. I am going to do things that scare the shit out of me, that put me in the public’s eye, and in turn put me in a position to hear positive and negative things about myself. Public scrutiny is one thing that really scares me, but I need to gain the confidence to stand up for myself and know that despite what people say, I know who I am and I am confident in that.

So, the guidelines for my journey will be as follows. I will do 10 tweets a day, 3 Instagram pics a day, 3 blogs a week and 1 YouTube video a week. I will also be participating in things that I have been afraid to take part in previously.

I have some pretty big things coming up, so please stay tuned.